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Effective Emails

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Email marketing is popular for a reason, especially when the whole goal of marketing is to create a bigger impact, with the least amount of marketing dollars spent. Email marketing has an ROI of 3800% , approximately $38 return for every $1 spent.

What are your email best practices?

Vendasta Blog – 1 May 19

10-Step Email Marketing Checklist - Vendasta Blog

Some say that social media is taking over the marketing game, but that’s not totally true.
In reality, the average order value of an email is at least three times higher than that of social media. Surprised?

4 Replies
Amos Hogle
7 Points
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Joined: 4 years ago

When I’m creating content for emails I always like to keep in mind what the overarching goal of the campaign is. The email needs to do a good job of informing and creating a sense of urgency but the goal is engagement. A couple of things I keep in mind to keep engagement up are:

  • Make it personal
  • Pay attention to your subject line and preview text
  • Check that it’s optimized for mobile viewing
  • Tie it to the content you are redirecting to
64 Points
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Joined: 4 years ago

I totes agree, @Amos. In addition, I also pay attention to organizing the structure of my emails as this helps in crafting compelling email. This, I achieve using the AIDA model.

AIDA is an acronym that stands for Attention/Awareness, Interest, Desire and Action

85 Points
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The AIDA model sounds interesting, @dan! I really like the points you and @Amos have mentioned.

I was just wondering, and I’ve seen this on multiple emails that I receive, what do you guys think about inserting emojis in the subject line? Does it work? Any chances that it improves the open rate?

64 Points
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Joined: 4 years ago

I see the use of emojis in the subject line as a double-edged sword: overusing can make emails look like spam while strategic use can improve open rates. That said, the most reliable way to measure the effectiveness of emojis is to A/B test.